Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dance, dance revisited

In the interests of trying to get back into the swing of life, I went to a gym dance class today. So I went and shook my tail feathers for almost an hour and enjoyed the hell out of it! It has been literally years (three years, I think) since I last danced. I gave it up with the nausea of my first pregnancy, and always kept meaning to get back to it...

So now, as a mid-thirties mother of two, I felt a little self-conscious and ridiculous to be shaking it all about like I did as a teenager. But it was great fun, and from the amount I sweated I'm sure it was good for me too! Whether I still think so tomorrow remains to be seen. Besides, I was about the middle of the class demographic. I suppose I have to realize that "suburban housewife" now means me. Odd thought - I still think of myself as "professional woman" not "stay at home mother of two".

I have to admit that my goal was not simply enjoyment and fitness. I am very aware that my body is not what it was prior to having two children. I am probably in denial about this, but I aim to get back into my pre-baby work clothes. It only makes me more determined that I've been told it can't be done. (Stubborn much?) I'm giving myself six months, and then we will see who is right!

For those of you not familiar with the dance craze phenomenon, the title here is a riff on DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).


  1. Go for it!! Just remember, it takes the body 2 full years to return (in every way) to its pre-pregnancy state. So, don't be discouraged if 6 months doesn't quite do it, but keep faithfully working out and it WILL happen!!
